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Why do we need occupational health and safety

Why do we need occupational health and safety?

January 12, 20232 min read

Occupational health and safety (OHS) is important to ensure the health and safety of workers in the workplace. In British Columbia, WorkSafeBC recognizes the importance of OHS to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses and create a safe and healthy workplace for workers.

There are several reasons why we need OHS, including:

Protecting workers: OHS helps to protect workers from injuries, illnesses, and fatalities that can result from workplace hazards and risks. This includes physical, chemical, biological, and ergonomic hazards that can cause injuries, illnesses, or even death.

Legal requirements: Employers are required by law to provide a safe and healthy workplace for their workers. Failure to comply with OHS laws and regulations can result in legal consequences, including fines, penalties, and even criminal charges.

Improved productivity: By creating a safe and healthy workplace, employers can improve productivity and reduce absenteeism and turnover. This can result in cost savings and improved business performance.

Reputation: Employers with a strong OHS program can build a positive reputation in the community and attract and retain top talent.

Reduced costs: Workplace injuries and illnesses can result in significant costs to employers, including lost productivity, workers' compensation claims, and legal fees. By implementing effective OHS programs, employers can reduce these costs and improve their bottom line.

Moral responsibility: Employers have a moral responsibility to protect their workers from harm and provide a safe and healthy workplace. By providing a safe and healthy work environment, employers can contribute to the well-being of their workers and their communities.

In British Columbia, WorkSafeBC provides resources and guidance to employers on how to manage OHS risks and create a safe and healthy workplace. This includes information on hazard identification, risk assessment, and the implementation of controls to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses. By effectively managing OHS risks, employers can create a safe and healthy workplace for their workers and prevent injuries and illnesses.

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Workplace SafetyWCBWorkSafeBCOccupational Health and SafetySafety ProgramsSafety PoliciesOHSHealth and SafetySafety Regulations
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