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The Safe Bet Blog

Learn about Safety Regulations
and how to meet Occupational Health & Safety requirements

What are the requirements for personal protective equipment (PPE) in my industry?

What are the requirements for personal protective equipment (PPE) in my industry?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required, in one form or another, in just about every industry. Read on to learn more. ...more

Safety Compliance

March 02, 20233 min read

What are my rights and responsibilities as a worker or employer under occupational health and safety legislation?

What are my rights and responsibilities as a worker or employer under occupational health and safety legislation?

Workers and Employers both have rights and responsibilities. Here's what the Occupational Health and Safety Legislation has to say about it. ...more

Safety Compliance

March 01, 20231 min read

What is the process for reporting a workplace incident or injury according to WorkSafeBC?

What is the process for reporting a workplace incident or injury according to WorkSafeBC?

What is the process for reporting a workplace incident or injury according to WorkSafeBC? ...more

Safety Compliance

February 28, 20232 min read

What is the process for developing and implementing an Emergency Response Plan?

What is the process for developing and implementing an Emergency Response Plan?

Here's the process for developing and implementing an Emergency Response Plan according to WorkSafeBC. ...more

Safety Compliance

February 28, 20231 min read

What is occupational health safety and environment?

What is occupational health safety and environment?

Learn what occupational health, safety, and environment is and how it impacts your business. ...more

Safety Compliance

February 25, 20232 min read

What does safety compliance mean?

What does safety compliance mean?

What is Safety Compliance? What does it even mean? ...more

Safety Compliance

February 22, 20232 min read

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Guidelines

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Guidelines

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Guidelines ...more

Safety Compliance

February 21, 20232 min read

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Purpose

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Purpose

What the purpose of Occupational Safety and Health Administration? ...more

Safety Compliance

February 21, 20231 min read

What is the protocol for working near electrical systems or equipment?

What is the protocol for working near electrical systems or equipment?

Here's the protocol for working near electrical systems or equipment. Keep your job sites safe. ...more

Safety Compliance

February 19, 20232 min read

Which regulation covers WHMIS?

Which regulation covers WHMIS?

WHMIS is a chemical safety program developed in 2015 to protect workers from hazards associated with using chemicals on the job. Learn more about it here. ...more

Safety Compliance

February 17, 20232 min read

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Regulations

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Regulations

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Regulations ...more

Safety Compliance

February 16, 20232 min read

How does the Occupational Safety and Health Administration protect workers?

How does the Occupational Safety and Health Administration protect workers?

How does OHS protect workers? Read this to learn how. ...more

Safety Compliance

February 12, 20232 min read

Why is safety compliance important?

Why is safety compliance important?

Safety regulations are built to keep job sites and workplaces safe for everyone at your company. Read to learn more about them. ...more

Safety Compliance

February 12, 20231 min read

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Benefits

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Benefits

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Benefits ...more

Safety Compliance

February 10, 20232 min read

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Guidelines for Electrical Safety

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Guidelines for Electrical Safety

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Guidelines for Electrical Safety ...more

Safety Compliance

February 08, 20232 min read

Is WorkSafeBC the same as WCB?

Is WorkSafeBC the same as WCB?

What is WCB and is it the same as Is WorkSafeBC? This article will tell you. ...more

Safety Compliance

February 07, 20231 min read

How do I conduct a hazard assessment and develop a hazard control plan?

How do I conduct a hazard assessment and develop a hazard control plan?

How do I conduct a hazard assessment and develop a hazard control plan? ...more

Safety Compliance

February 06, 20231 min read

What are the requirements for working in confined spaces and how do I ensure compliance?

What are the requirements for working in confined spaces and how do I ensure compliance?

Make sure your company is following regulations for working in confined spaces. Here's how to keep your job sites safe. ...more

Safety Compliance

February 06, 20233 min read

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Welding Guidelines

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Welding Guidelines

Welding Guidelines from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). ...more

Safety Compliance

February 05, 20232 min read

How do I properly use and maintain tools and machinery to minimize the risk of injury?

How do I properly use and maintain tools and machinery to minimize the risk of injury?

How do I properly use and maintain tools and machinery to minimize the risk of injury? Read on to learn how to improve workplace safety. ...more

Safety Compliance

February 04, 20231 min read

What will WorkSafeBC pay for?

What will WorkSafeBC pay for?

WorkSafeBC offers coverage to businesses for incidents and accidents on the job. But, what will they pay for? Read on to find out. ...more

Safety Compliance

February 03, 20231 min read

WorkSafeBC when to report

WorkSafeBC when to report

When do you report accidents, incidents, and injuries to WorkSafeBC? Read this article to find out. ...more

Safety Compliance

February 02, 20231 min read

What is WorkSafeBC responsible for?

What is WorkSafeBC responsible for?

WorkSafeBC is the governing body for occupational health and safety in British Columbia, Canada. Read on to learn what they're responsible for and how that impacts your business. ...more

Safety Compliance

January 30, 20232 min read

How to ensure safety compliance

How to ensure safety compliance

How do you make sure your company is meeting safety regulations? Read on to learn more. ...more

Safety Compliance

January 30, 20232 min read

Is WorkSafeBC mandatory?

Is WorkSafeBC mandatory?

Does your company need WorkSafeBC coverage? Read on to find out. ...more

Safety Compliance

January 23, 20231 min read

Why a safe work place is important

Why a safe work place is important

Why is a safe work place important to create? Click here to find out. ...more

Safety Compliance

January 20, 20232 min read

Who needs WorkSafeBC coverage?

Who needs WorkSafeBC coverage?

Does your company need WorkSafeBC coverage? What happens if there's a workplace injury? Find out in this article. ...more

Safety Compliance

January 20, 20232 min read

What are the regulations around working at heights and using ladders or scaffolding?

What are the regulations around working at heights and using ladders or scaffolding?

Ladders, scaffolding, aerial lifts - regulations around working at height keep your workers safe from this common hazard. Here's more about that. ...more

Safety Compliance

January 13, 20233 min read

Why do we need occupational health and safety?

Why do we need occupational health and safety?

What is Occupational Health and Safety? Why do you need it at your company? Read on to find out more. ...more

Safety Compliance

January 12, 20232 min read

When must safety data sheets updated?

When must safety data sheets updated?

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are safety information related to products you may be using in your workplace. They outline hazards, what to do if exposed, and more. Read on to learn about them. ...more

Safety Compliance

January 08, 20232 min read

What is occupational health & safety management system?

What is occupational health & safety management system?

What is an occupational health & safety management system? What does it do? Do I need it for my company? Read on to find out. ...more

Safety Compliance

January 04, 20232 min read

When occupational health and safety inspections are conducted and why?

When occupational health and safety inspections are conducted and why?

Workplaces get inspected regularly for safety compliance. When do these safety inspections happen? Who does them? And how can I prepare? ...more

Safety Compliance

December 29, 20222 min read

What are the regulations around fall protection on job sites?

What are the regulations around fall protection on job sites?

Fall protection is a big category of different equipment and practices needed to protect workers from the risk of heights. Read on to learn more. ...more

Safety Compliance

December 19, 20221 min read

Canada and safety compliance

Canada and safety compliance

What are the regulations around Workplace Safety and Safety Compliance in Canada? Read on to learn more. ...more

Safety Compliance

December 11, 20222 min read

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