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What is occupational health & safety management system

What is occupational health & safety management system?

January 04, 20232 min read

An occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) is a framework that helps employers to manage workplace health and safety risks, prevent workplace injuries and illnesses, and promote a culture of safety in the workplace. In British Columbia, WorkSafeBC recognizes several OHSMS standards, including the CSA Z1000-14 and the OHSAS 18001/ISO 45001.

An OHSMS includes policies, procedures, and practices that are designed to identify and control hazards, train and educate workers on safe work practices, and provide a framework for continuous improvement. Some key components of an OHSMS include:

Policy: An employer must establish a written policy that sets out the employer's commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace for workers.

Planning and hazard identification & risk assessment: Employers must identify and assess workplace hazards, and then take appropriate measures to control the risks.

Incident reporting and investigation: Employers must have a process for reporting and investigating incidents, near-misses, and hazards.

Worker participation: Workers must be involved in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the OHSMS.

Training and education: Employers must provide training and education to workers on workplace hazards and safe work practices.

Measurement and evaluation: The employer must measure and evaluate the effectiveness of the OHSMS to identify areas for improvement.

Management leadership and commitment: Management must demonstrate leadership and commitment to the OHSMS, and allocate resources to ensure its success.

Review and continuous improvement: The employer must periodically review the OHSMS to ensure that it is effective and up to date, and make necessary changes to improve its effectiveness.

Implementing an OHSMS can help employers to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses, improve productivity, and demonstrate due diligence in meeting legal obligations for workplace health and safety. WorkSafeBC offers resources and guidance for employers who wish to implement an OHSMS, including a guide to the CSA Z1000-14 standard.

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