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When occupational health and safety inspections are conducted and why?

When occupational health and safety inspections are conducted and why?

December 29, 20222 min read

Occupational health and safety inspections are conducted by WorkSafeBC in order to ensure that employers are complying with occupational health and safety regulations and to identify any hazards or risks in the workplace that could lead to injury or illness.

In British Columbia, WorkSafeBC conducts inspections of workplaces on a regular basis. Inspections may be triggered by a complaint from a worker, a report of an incident or injury, or as part of a targeted inspection campaign focused on specific industries or hazards.

Inspectors may visit the workplace to observe work practices, inspect equipment and facilities, review documentation, and interview workers and supervisors. The purpose of the inspection is to identify hazards and assess compliance with health and safety regulations.

During an inspection, a WorkSafeBC inspector will assess the workplace for compliance with occupational health and safety regulations, including hazard identification and control, worker training and education, and incident investigation and reporting. The inspector will also review safety policies and procedures, and interview workers and employers.

The goals of an occupational health and safety inspection are to:

  1. Ensure compliance with health and safety regulations: The inspector will check to ensure that the employer is following the health and safety regulations and guidelines applicable to their workplace.

  2. Identify hazards and risks: The inspector will identify any hazards or risks that may exist in the workplace and determine if appropriate hazard controls are in place.

  3. Provide education and guidance: The inspector may provide education and guidance to the employer on how to comply with health and safety regulations, and may make recommendations for improving safety in the workplace.

  4. Take enforcement action: If the inspector finds that an employer is not complying with health and safety regulations, enforcement action may be taken, which can include fines or stop-work orders.

Employers have a legal obligation to comply with occupational health and safety regulations, and failure to do so may result in enforcement actions such as fines or penalties. Workers have a right to participate in the inspection process and to report any unsafe conditions or hazards.

Overall, occupational health and safety inspections are an important tool for ensuring that workplaces in British Columbia are safe and healthy for workers. Inspections help to identify hazards, improve compliance with health and safety regulations, and prevent workplace incidents and injuries.

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WorkSafeBCWCBOccupational Health and SafetyWorkplace InspectionsCompliance InspectionCompliance OfficerWorkSafeBC OfficerSafety ViolationsSafety ComplianceOHS
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