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WorkSafeBC when to report

WorkSafeBC when to report

February 02, 20231 min read

In general, employers in British Columbia are required to report workplace injuries and incidents to WorkSafeBC as soon as possible. Specifically, employers must report the following to WorkSafeBC:

Injuries: Employers must report any workplace injury that requires medical treatment beyond first aid or that results in time lost from work beyond the date of the injury.

Occupational diseases: Employers must report any occupational disease diagnosed by a physician, including hearing loss, skin disorders, and respiratory diseases.

Dangerous incidents: Employers must report any incident that had the potential to cause serious injury or death, including explosions, fires, and chemical spills.

4. A near miss (i.e. an incident that did not result in an injury or illness, but had the potential to do so).

Employers can report these incidents to WorkSafeBC by phone, online, or by completing a paper form. In addition, employers must also investigate the incident and provide a written report to WorkSafeBC within 30 days of the incident.

It is important for employers to report workplace injuries and incidents as soon as possible, as this helps to ensure that injured workers receive timely medical treatment and compensation, and helps WorkSafeBC to identify and address workplace hazards to prevent future incidents. Failure to report incidents can result in fines and legal action.

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