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Is WorkSafeBC mandatory

Is WorkSafeBC mandatory?

January 23, 20231 min read

In British Columbia, employers are required by law to register with WorkSafeBC and to provide workplace injury and illness insurance coverage for their workers. This means that WorkSafeBC coverage is mandatory for most employers in British Columbia.

Under the Workers Compensation Act, employers who fail to register with WorkSafeBC or who fail to provide adequate insurance coverage may be subject to penalties, fines, or legal action. In addition, employers who fail to comply with occupational health and safety regulations may be subject to fines, stop-work orders, or other enforcement measures.

Workers are also covered by WorkSafeBC and can make claims for compensation for workplace injuries and illnesses, including medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation services.

There are some exemptions from mandatory coverage, such as self-employed individuals who do not have any workers, certain types of farm and ranch operations, and certain types of charitable or non-profit organizations.

It is important for employers to understand their legal obligations under the Workers Compensation Act and to comply with occupational health and safety regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of their workers, and to avoid potential penalties or legal action. WorkSafeBC provides resources and support to help employers comply with their legal obligations and promote workplace health and safety.

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WorkSafeBCWCBWorkplace SafetyOccupational Health and SafetySafety ProgramsSafety RegulationsInsuranceWorkplace Injuries
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