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How to ensure safety compliance

How to ensure safety compliance

January 30, 20232 min read

Ensuring safety compliance in the workplace is a shared responsibility between employers and workers. In British Columbia, WorkSafeBC provides guidance and resources to help employers and workers understand and comply with occupational health and safety regulations.

To ensure safety compliance in a workplace, employers can follow these steps:

  1. Identify and assess workplace hazards: Conduct regular inspections and assessments of the workplace to identify potential hazards. Once hazards are identified, assess the level of risk and implement appropriate controls to eliminate or reduce the risk.

  2. Implement hazard controls: Employers must implement appropriate hazard controls to eliminate or minimize the risk associated with each hazard. This can include engineering controls (e.g. physical barriers), administrative controls (e.g. work procedures), and personal protective equipment (e.g. safety glasses, gloves).

  3. Develop and implement safety policies and procedures: Employers must develop and implement safety policies and procedures that outline the procedures for identifying, assessing, and controlling hazards in the workplace, as well as procedures for worker training and education on safety.

  1. Provide appropriate training and education for workers: Employers must ensure that workers receive adequate training and education on workplace safety. This can include training on hazard identification and control, safe work procedures, and the proper use of personal protective equipment.

  1. Monitor and evaluate: Monitor the effectiveness of the safety program by conducting regular inspections, audits, and incident investigations. Evaluate the program and make necessary changes to ensure continuous improvement. Regularly inspect and audit the workplace to ensure that hazard controls are effective and that workers are following safe work procedures.

  2. Respond to incidents and emergencies: Employers must have procedures in place to manage incidents and emergencies, and must investigate incidents to determine the cause and take corrective action to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

For workers, ensuring safety compliance means following safe work procedures, using personal protective equipment as required, and reporting any hazards or unsafe conditions to their employer or supervisor. Workers should also participate in health and safety training and education to stay informed about workplace hazards and how to control them.

Overall, ensuring safety compliance requires a proactive and ongoing commitment to workplace safety. Employers and workers must work together to identify and control hazards, provide appropriate training and education, and respond to incidents and emergencies in order to maintain a safe and healthy workplace in compliance with WorkSafeBC regulations.

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