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What are the regulations around fall protection on job sites?

What are the regulations around fall protection on job sites?

December 19, 20221 min read

Fall protection regulations in British Columbia are governed by WorkSafeBC. WorkSafeBC's Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (OHSR) outlines the requirements for fall protection on job sites in the province. Under the OHSR, employers are required to provide fall protection to workers who are exposed to fall hazards, such as working at heights above 3 meters (10 feet). The specific requirements for fall protection equipment, systems, and procedures vary depending on the nature of the work and the specific hazards present.

In addition to the OHSR, WorkSafeBC has also published guidelines and other resources to help employers understand and comply with the fall protection regulations. These resources include a Fall Protection Code of Practice, which provides detailed guidance on fall protection systems, equipment, and procedures, as well as other publications, videos, and training materials.

You can find more information about fall protection on job sites on the WorkSafeBC website under the "Fall Protection" section. This section provides information on the requirements for fall protection systems, including the use of guardrails, safety nets, and personal fall arrest systems. It also includes information on the selection and inspection of fall protection equipment, as well as training requirements for workers who are at risk of falling.

Additionally, the WorkSafeBC website provides access to specific regulations related to fall protection, such as

Part 11: Fall Protection of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.

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Fall ProtectionFall ArrestWorkSafeBCOHSWCBOccupational Health and SafetyOccupational SafetyWorkplace Safety
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